Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

cyst64-300x154Unbalanced diet is one of the major causes of you experiencing PCOS symptoms; your body is putting up a resistance against the unbalanced diet in the form of PCOS.

One of the things you’ll have to deal with will be a higher blood concentration of insulin.

A woman who weights the same as you do, but without PCOS, won’t have a problem of higher blood concentration of insulin. PCOS and dieting go hand in hand.


This means that the causes of PCOS symptoms could lead from one problem to another if nothing is done as soon as possible to put an end to PCOS symptoms.

You must be on an effective diet program that reveals how to balance your diet, this is quite imperative to avoiding PCOS symptoms at all cost.

The right dieting program will make you physically active and also help to boost your immune system, a strong immune system will help you to combat the different causes that give rise to PCOS symptoms.

You don’t necessarily have to be dealing with weight problems to be on a good diet. If you don’t monitor your eating habits then you’re likely to gain unusual weight.

One of the causes of PCOS symptoms is the presence of high insulin level in the body. High insulin level paves the way to gain weight easily. It’s so easy to gain weight, but quite a challenge to lose it.

Even after losing the weight a certain lifestyle must be maintained consistently for one to keep the weight off.

Balanced diet is vital to preventing PCOS symptoms, there are several factors that must be considered in preventing PCOS.

Some of the things you must consider are your calorie intake to avoid gaining more weight; you must watch your carbohydrate intake to avoid excess blood sugar and so on.


There are factors to be considered before going on a diet program, this will help you to measure your progress easily. Below are four points to consider:

1. Teaches you how to lose weight and keep the weight off

2. Teaches you how to reduce the level of insulin resistance in your body and how to avoid Type 2 diabetes at all cost.

3. Teaches you how to avoid cardiovascular disease

4. Give details of balanced nutritional dietary intake


Watch out for the types of diets that prevents you from consuming certain types of food totally. What you need to be looking for in any kind of food are the ingredients that make up the food.

A balanced diet means you have different options and not conform to only one type of food or very few.

There are people who have the discipline to stick to a program that restricts them to limited choices of food. If you don’t trust yourself I’ll advise you steer clear because in most cases, once some of these people come off such program, they end up putting the weight back on.

The continuous cravings for the types of food they were not allowed to eat mostly becomes uncontrollable and before long all rules will be broken and they will be back to square one.

But if they’ve been consuming such food in low quantities on a regular basis, it’s most likely not going to work against them because cravings will be low and can be easily controlled.

The secret to losing weight successfully is to take one step at a time, which means you have to be extremely patient.


Another two major important things you need to watch out for are:

1. Too much fat: With food like this no doubt your cholesterol level will shoot up in no time. High cholesterol means you stand a better chance of developing a heart disease in no time.

You need to be on a diet that lowers your cholesterol level. Low carb diets help to lower the cholesterol level.

2. Too much protein: Protein is good for the body just as fat is good for the body; the danger is not knowing the amount of protein the body can cope with. Too much protein could lead to a higher risk of kidney problems.

You’ll have to be extra careful, especially if you’re already dealing with diabetes, which could easily damage your kidney.


You must be involved in one form of activity or the other whether you are dealing with weight loss or you believe you are in a perfect shape. This is not just to prevent PCOS symptoms, but to prevent other forms of diseases as well.

Good exercise will help to prevent cancer, I was watching a programme on TV the other day and a woman who was diagnosed with cancer said, the Doctors were able to cure her cancer because of healthy living.

Good exercise will not only take care of your physical part but will also contribute positively to your mental health.

There are different ways to exercise and one of the best forms is walking, it’s such a simple and effective exercise, but it requires lots of self discipline and determination.


Below are the benefits you derived from having a regular exercise to avoid PCOS symptoms and be in good health.

1. To help maintain the right weight: Many people gained weight and do not have a clue how it all mounted up. Weight gained starts gradually in a subtle manner, if you exercise regularly and does a weight check every now and then, you will know how much you weight at a point in time.

2. Insulin Level: Exercise will help you to have the right insulin level in your body. High insulin level is one of the causes of PCOS symptoms. You’re better off through regular exercise, compare to having to deal with the complications of high insulin level afterwards.

3. Heart disease: The body needs to be maintained to be in good health. Lack of exercise means the body will start breaking down.

Too much fat in the body could lead to heart diseases, but burning such fats through good exercise means the chances of dealing with heart disease will be drastically reduced.

4. Psychological aspect: Good exercise will help you to feel good about yourself a great length. This will in turn boost your self confidence; regular exercise is one of the best things you can do to yourself.

One of the things you‘ll notice first is being calmer anytime there’s a problem that could lead to chaos. Your mind will always be at rest because your muscles are relaxed because of effective exercise.


Dealing with PCOS and being in good health means something you’ll have to do by yourself, while others you might need the assistance of people who are more knowledgeable than you are.


There are medications that could help you to reduce your symptoms but it’s advisable that such medications are recommended by your Doctor. You also need to know that medication will not cure your PCOS symptoms.

If you want to learn how to get rid of PCOS symptoms for good you’ll have to consider other forms of treatments such as natural treatments.

The type of medication needed will depend on the severity of PCOS, most especially if you’re unable to get pregnant because of infertility. There are medications that will help avoid hair loss and insulin resistance.

There are medications that will help to reduce the chances of having diabetes and other complications. Medications will deal with all these issues and many more, but will not prevent the different causes.

In other words, if you manage to cure your symptoms with medication, this is not a guarantee that you won’t experience more symptoms tomorrow.


There are many herbs and supplements that will help to cure PCOS symptoms, but adequate care is needed before using any of these herbal or supplements. Whatever information you gathered regarding herbal and supplement, be sure that they are from reliable sources.

Some of these herbal and supplements could cause you more damages if you’re not careful, therefore it’s advisable that you speak to your Doctor before embarking on these forms of treatments.



Surgery in most cases tends to be the last resort; many women even find this option scary because things could get out of hand. Ovarian drilling is one of the surgeries that are mostly recommended for women who are trying to get pregnant.

Ovarian drilling will lead to reduction in male hormones; there might be a side effect at some point because of the surgery procedures.

There are other forms of surgery, some could mean the removal of ovary therefore it is better you have an understanding of the different types by asking your Doctors different questions regarding each and letting your Doctor understands your fear and concern.

The type of surgery you’ll go for will also depend on the severity of PCOS or in the case of an ovarian cyst which is interwoven with PCOS symptoms, the type of ovarian cyst.

If you are serious about getting rid of the pain caused by pcos-ovarian cyst. As you move onto the next page you’ll begin to discover how to overcome this terrible disease within a short period and get your life back together.

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